domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011

The 11 agressions of Bataille’s Acéphale

1. La Chance contre la masse

Never let the mass dictate your way of life.

2.L’Unité Communielle contre l’imposture de l’individu

Against the arrogance of the individual – the phantasm of individuality

3. Une Communauté élective contre toute communauté de sang, de sol et d’intérêts

The history of Europe has shown what the ideology of blood and soil can lead to. Underneath the vast blackened cosmos we are no-thing-s; thrown onto this planet left with our imagination. We must remain true to this Earth: bounded by the the actual flesh that rots way and becomes one with the prima materia.

Elected are those that share a tragic awareness. Memento Mori. Life offers no ulterior purpose but to experience it to the fullest: the Satanic Arts pay tribute to life’s vitalism.

4. Le Pouvoir Religieux du don de soi tragique contre le pouvoir militaire fondé sur l’avarice et al contrainte.

We give our-selves away; a gift for the Other. Tragically as we are human all too human. Why should we try to survive? Sonically Black Metal is one of the most primitive gifts of all. There can be no victory. There is only torment.

5. L’Avenir mouvant et destructeur de Limites contre la volonté d’immobilité du passé.

Let’s not dwell in the past. The Future demands ever-becoming creation.

6. Le Violateur Tragique de Loi contre les humbles victimes.

Monotheism has installed the Law, and one should aim to trangress it. This is a confirmation and a charge at the same time. Boundaries are there to be crossed. The Black Arts have always been practised at daggers drawn.

7. L’Inexorable Cruauté de la Nature contre l’image avilissante d’un bon dieu.

We are handed over to the Demiurg. Let’s accept over fate and be victorious in our futile rebellion. God does not offer any reconciliation for his place is empty and devoid of any hope.

8. Le Rire Libre et sans Limte contre toute explication raissonable d’un universe absurde.

Let us not take our-selves to seriously. Consider the writings of Lovecraft. We are powerless in the hands of the Ancients and as we can hear their mad laughter, standing before their altar (Deathspell Omega), we should join them. Their laughter is infectious. Ratio versus non-knowledge.

9. “L’Amour de la Destinée” même la plus dure contre les abdications du pessimisme ou de l’angoisse.

There is no room for pessimism or fear for these affects paralyse our imagination. A tragic awareness does not hinder one’s creative powers. On the contrary, art for art’s sake strengthens one’s resoluteness.

10. L’Absence de Sol et de tout Fondement contre l’apparence de stabilité.

The Absence of ground and foundation opens up a multiplicity of possibilities and meanings. We do not coincide with our ‘selves’ because these are fictitious. Lacanian: we coincide with our Desire; it is our ever-lasting Desire that keeps us going. Ideologies offer imaginary resting-places while we should enjoy our energetic nature, the flux of becoming.

11. La Joie devant la Mort contre toute immortalité.

We have been cursed with a wish for immortality against the Death Drive that truly fuels us. Monotheism, gnosticism, luciferianism … despite the formal differences they all promise a release from our gefallenheit. A terminus where we can sleep easily to all eternity. Bataille called Christianity the religion of work for the believer has to earn the remission of sins. While this does not apply to for example gnosticism or luciferianism there is an inherent enmity towards finitude. Instead of experiencing life to the fullest and eagerly accepting its extremes … Joy before Death.

Source: “Les onze agressions” from L’Apprenti Sorcier (Editions de la Différence, 1999)

by The Wanderer in Uncategorized

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